by Payam | Jun 22, 2016 | Agrarische industrie en tuinbouw, Agrarische industrie en tuinbouw, Agriculture & horticulture, Agriculture & horticulture, Assemblage, Assemblage, Automobielindustrie, Automobielindustrie, Automotive, Autoparkeersystemen, Autoparkeersystemen, Beton-industrie, Beton-industrie, Building maintenance units, Building maintenance units, Car parking, Gesloten stroomrail, Gesloten stroomrail, Gevelreiniging, Gevelreiniging, Hangar doors, Hangardeuren, Hangardeuren, Havens & containeropslag, Havens & containeropslag, Intern transport, Intern transport, Intralogistiek, Intralogistiek, Kranen & intern transport, Kranen & intern transport, Lifting & material handling, Lifting & material handling, Luchtvaart, Luchtvaart, Machinebouw, Machinebouw, Metallurgie, Metallurgie, Mijnbouw, Mijnbouw, People movers, People movers, Personenvervoer, Personenvervoer, Ports & containers, Precast concrete, Scheepsbouw, Scheepsbouw, Stage technology, Stroomrailsystemen, Stroomrailsystemen, Textiel-industrie, Textiel-industrie, Theatertechniek, Theatertechniek, Tuinbouw, Tuinbouw, Waste water treatment, Waterzuivering, Waterzuivering, Wetenschap, Wetenschap
Multiconductor The versatile Akapp-Stemmann 7-pole conductor bar system. Compact, reliable and secure power supply system for cranes, hoists, trolleys, automated warehouses, etc. Worldwide installations applied both inside and outside, high and low temperatures and...
by Akapp | Nov 11, 2021 | Agrarische industrie en tuinbouw, Agriculture & horticulture, Assemblage, Automobielindustrie, Automotive, Autoparkeersystemen, Beton-industrie, Building maintenance units, Car parking, Gesloten stroomrail, Gevelreiniging, Havens & containeropslag, Intern transport, Intralogistiek, Kranen & intern transport, Lifting & material handling, Luchtvaart, Machinebouw, Metallurgie, Mijnbouw, People movers, Personenvervoer, Ports & containers, Precast concrete, Scheepsbouw, Stage technology, Stroomrailsystemen, Textiel-industrie, Theatertechniek, Tuinbouw, Wetenschap
PowerPOZ Conductor bar system with integrated power- and positioning strips. Compact, accurate and secure power supply and positioning system for cranes, concrete skippers, cattle feed- and spreading robots etc. Applicable everywhere where power supply and positioning...
by Payam | Jun 22, 2016 | Agriculture & horticulture, Agriculture & horticulture, Assemblage, Assemblage, Automobielindustrie, Automobielindustrie, Automotive, Autoparkeersystemen, Autoparkeersystemen, Car parking, Gesloten stroomrail, Gesloten stroomrail, Intern transport, Intern transport, Kranen & intern transport, Kranen & intern transport, Lifting & material handling, Lifting & material handling, People movers, People movers, Stage technology, Stroomrailsystemen, Stroomrailsystemen, Textiel-industrie, Textiel-industrie, Theatertechniek, Theatertechniek
Click-Ductor The reliable, easy-to-mount AKAPP conductor bar with pre-mounted copper conductors. Compact, reliable and secure power supply system for cranes,hoists,trolleys, automated warehouses, etc. The basic design of AKAPP Click-Ductor is a channel housing, in...
by Payam | Jun 22, 2016 | Gesloten stroomrail, Gesloten stroomrail, Intern transport, Intern transport, Intralogistiek, Intralogistiek, Lifting & material handling, Lifting & material handling, People movers, People movers, Stroomrailsystemen, Stroomrailsystemen
Pro-Ductor The flat conductor system up to 10-poles, especially designed for automated warehouses. Compact, dependable and secure power supply system featuring our unique continuous smooth copper conductors. Most suitable for utilising in (automatic) high-bay...